Growing Old

I went to see Mom today and walked with her down the hall to her hair appointment. Little baby steps behind her walker. The slightest incline seems uphill to her and we stopped several times. And yet she stops and talks to everyone, knows their names and loves to socialize.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I diverted to your blog from Lola's, who just discovered my daughter's blog (Loessismore) and commented there yesterday. When I looked at her stats she listed your blog and, as I am also a Nancy Jane, I had to peek! Congratulations on starting a blog. I haven't attempted yet - maybe one day. I think we have a lot in common (including the former teacher part), altho I have only 1 dtr, and no grandkids other than her 3 dogs. I was caught by your post yesterday. Mom was with me for her last 2 years, until she was over 101, so I know all about those uphill baby steps! Keep on trucking. Nancy in Atlanta

