Oh Mr. Moon

Driving home tonight from a meeting. The moon was incredible. Just a sliver, but the rest showed up in shadow or illumination. I'm not sure which. Then later was able to see the comet Lulin. We are going out to the land tomorrow night to get away from the light pollution and should see it even better. It should show up greener tomorrow night. Charlie is the astronomer, he keeps me up to date

Little Girls With Curls

I just returned from a week with my granddaughter in Portland. How I hated to leave. Best moments - warm snuggles in bed in the morning, telling fairy tales on the drawing board, the look of wonder in little eyes, etc., etc., etc.! Worst moments - that sinking feeling as they run and sprawl head first onto the sidewalk, the big tears as they miss their Mama, waving goodby.

My Nana

Almost everyone has a person who made a lasting impression on their life. I was very fortunate to have my Nana. Today, I wore the "stork" pin she sent me after my first son, Scott, was born. I was very fortunate to grow up having Nana close by through much of my childhood. I remember trips to Colorado where Nana would drive her black and white sports car. We would take breaks every hour and on some of the breaks, I got to have a Pepsi! Nana never drank them herself, but she always carried them for me. We would go halfway and then spend the night at a motel. I'll write more memories another time, but I hope to be a Nana that my grandchildren will remember in the way that I do.

Ugly Betty

If you haven't watched Ugly Betty, I highly recommend it. It is the freshest show on TV. So real. ABC channel.